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Showing posts from January, 2022
  A year has passed since I finalized my selection of stories and the words used to share them in my published memoirs. The book is available now for friends and strangers, perhaps even enemies (by their choice not mine) to read my story. Writing the story was my quest to understand myself and how life was unfolding around me. I have made significant strides forward in gaining that new understanding and am now ready to enter into the next chapter of my life. Resolved to be more positive. To see the positive gains in every action I take. Refusing to focus inordinately on any frustrations concerning what I didn’t get done. Being an overachiever comes with its own unique set of challenges. I resolve this year to celebrate the wins of each day. To appreciate any significant step forward toward the goals God has set before me; no matter how small those accomplishments may seem to other people in my life. As a part of making those resolutions a reality, I will begin writing a second bo